Nu Ag

The Decency Foundation is providing loans to small farmers for on-farm processing. Each project is assessed by our Nu Metric tool, which evaluates categories such as Operations, Work Conditions, Carbon Footprint, Water, Energy, and Waste Management. Our team helps with on-farm processing, operations, marketing, and sustainability initiatives. We aim to provide nutritious and local products farmed regeneratively.

Nu Ag focuses on our broken food system, which degrades our soil, pollutes the water and air, strips our food of vital nutrients, and mistreats animals.

The deep flaws of conventional farming are tied to hyper-centralized food processing. But, on-site processing is now feasible as equipment has become more affordable and easier to manage and operate.

However, small farmers already struggling to pay their bills can't access the necessary funds through traditional banks. This is where Nu Ag comes in. We provide low-rate, long-duration loans and work with our farmers to boost profitability and pave a path towards greater sustainability.

This game-changing approach to farming works. It transformed Double Brook Farm in Hopewell, NJ, and we recently made our inaugural $550,000 loan to Hun-Val Dairy, also located in Central New Jersey.

Nu Ag


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